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Picking is performed to obtain one or more physical items from the device. To start the picking operation, select the Pick option from the main menu
Note: Pick is available only if it is allowed by the system administrator
Item selection
Based on the system settings the picking operation starts with the selection of items to pick, or the selection of cost allocation. The following pictures show the case when the item is selected first.
Note: If selecting via cost allocation, it is very similar to the flow described here. It is shown below Item Selection in this article. The only difference is that cost allocation is always selected before the item. Based on the system settings some items cannot be picked in some cost allocations. In that case, these items are not shown in the item list.
- The item to be picked can be selected from the list of all items located in current device (1).
- To search for an item, click into the search field (2) and start typing the item information (item id, name, description, barcode) or use the barcode scanner.
- The graphical flow shows the steps to be performed for pick (3).
- To navigate to previous steps, select desired step in the graphical flow.
- To cancel the operation and return back to the main menu, press the Home icon (4) in the application header.
- By default, the list contains only those items assigned to this device. To show all items, click on the option at the bottom of the list (7):
- Items can be filtered according to categories. To filter items, press the Filter button (5) on the application header, select category in the category tree, and confirm your selection.
- To display more information about an item, expand the item detail (6).
- From the item detail, all that item’s spare parts and matching items can be displayed and selected for the pick.
- Also, information about all locations, where the item is currently available, can be shown.
Note: If there is only one item available for pick, this item is automatically selected and the flow proceeds to the next step.
Note: Once an item is selected in the item list, the operation will proceed to the selection of cost allocation. If the selected item has no available quantity in the current device, information about all stock is shown to help find the device with an available quantity.
Note: Some cabinets allow users to select an item directly by selecting a specific location. To perform this selection, press the Take button directly on the main menu. Items will be then filtered according to this location
Cost allocation selection
If cost allocation is set up as the selected way to pick in the Admin portal, then this selection must be performed based on a cost allocation structure. All the steps of cost allocation selection are shown in the graphical flow. In the example below, four cost allocation steps are defined and must be selected – Production, Machine, Operation, and Work order.
Note: Some cost allocations cannot be selected for specific items. In that case, they are not shown in this list. If there is only one option available, this option is automatically selected and the next step is shown.
- To select cost allocation and proceed to the next step, select one option from the list of all available cost allocations (1).
- To search by cost allocation name, click search field (2) and enter cost allocation name or use the barcode scanner.
- If cost allocation must be selected as a text, click the text field and enter the value using the keyboard or scanner. Then confirm this selection by clicking Confirm button.
Note: If Confirm button is disabled, the entered value does not match the set of predefined values or value rules. Contact your administrator for more information
Some steps can be set to optional. To skip these steps, press the Skip button to proceed next (as shown on the previous screen).
When all cost allocation steps have been selected, the quantity of the selected item is shown.
Quantity selection
Quantity selection is the last step that must be completed before the item can be physically picked from a location.
- On the quantity selection screen, enter the desired quantity (1) and select the Pick button (2) to perform the pick.
- To add the current item into the picklist and continue with the selection of another item, press Add to pick list button (3). This flow is described in the article Working with pick lists. (LINK HERE)
- If the option is granted by the system administrator, the preferred condition of the picked item can be selected in the drop-down menu (4).
- If the item has any related items (alternatives, spare parts, matching items, assemblies), they can be shown and picked or added to the picklist by clicking on the Related items button (5). The button is not shown if there are no related items.
- To show all locations where this item is assigned within the stock, with information about the picked items and expected new items, press Locations button (6).
Note: The system can check if this item has been already picked (by any user) in the same cost allocation as selected in previous steps. If yes, the system will inform the user about this picked item and its physical cost allocation, and where this item is currently located.
- To pick another item to the same cost allocation, select the option I need one more item (1).
- When items cannot be found in the physical cost allocation, all the picked items in this cost allocation can be marked as lost and removed from the system (2).
- If the picked items cannot be used anymore for some reason, the items can be scrapped (3). The system can ask for the user to specify a reason.
- Note: this option will scrap all picked items in selected cost allocation.
- When picked items need service, the system will give a reminder not to forget to return the items to service (4). Current pick can be cancelled (5).
Note: When an item is marked as lost or scrapped, it cannot be returned back to the system. The only way to return lost or scrapped items is to perform an inventory or restock without an order.
Pick the item from its location
- When an item or picklist is confirmed, the system shows information about its location, where to physically pick the item.
- If the storage device, where the item is about to be picked, is a vending cabinet, the following screen giving information about the opened location is shown:
- To pick the item, take it out from its location (unlocked storage or opened by the system) in the vending machine and close the location.
- If there was not enough quantity in one location or there is another item in a pick list, the system automatically opens the next location right after the previous location is closed.
To cancel the current location, press the Cancel button (1). Currently processed operation will be interrupted. If there will be more operations pending to be processed, the system will offer options to cancel the current operation or cancel all remaining:
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